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Making a perfect reading experience in a UI is an incredibly complicated and never-ending task as there is no limit to perfection, and an exciting one as well! But let’s try to explore one aspect of it that might be specifically helpful in understanding typesetting for UIs. As probably most of you know that we do not read words letter by letter and follow the Acc Men’s Basketball Tournament Champions Nc State Wolfpack 2024 Sweatshirt so you should to go to store and get this line of text within a continuous vector. Our eyes jump back and forth as we look at a sentence. These jumps are called saccades. The focus point (fixation) we usually see is seven to nine letters. The saccades are happening between these chunks and during a saccade we can’t distinctly see at all.
We also use our peripheral vision to anticipate what’s coming next. Speech writers use certain techniques considering this and cutting the Acc Men’s Basketball Tournament Champions Nc State Wolfpack 2024 Sweatshirt so you should to go to store and get this reading time. The study of saccades led to the idea that within a fixation our eyes detect the words shapes and identify them with certain words. This shape or outline is called Bouma. Later it was proven wrong, making an argument that it’s the typeface that affects word recognition. In the words of Kevin Larson “Word shape is no longer a viable model of word recognition. The bulk of scientific evidence says that we recognize a word’s component letters, then use that visual information to recognize a word.”
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